Nesting Mode

For the past few weeks, Chris and I have been in full on nesting mode.  It started back in April when we began the daunting task of cleaning out our study.  Everyone has been asking us if we are getting a bigger house and while we considered this, we decided that our house is plenty big enough.  We have a 4 bedroom house (3 bedrooms and a bonus room), so we have rooms for everyone.  The problem is all the stuff we have in said rooms.  We used one of our bedrooms as an office/study/computer crap storage room.  It is a true statement when I say that the study looked like a computer store vomited all over it.  My dear Chris is a computer junky (something I love about him) and he has a hard time letting go of computer parts.  Even though he always wants the latest and greatest, he still can’t throw away the out-dated parts because you never know when you will need it.  Well, we can’t hold onto these trinkets anymore, so he put on his big boy pants and we weeded through all the stuff to a more manageable inventory.

We have a bonus room, a.k.a. man room, which was our theatre room.  Sadly, we had to move the L-shaped reclining leather couch downstairs to the living room (thanks for the heavy lifting help John!!!) and use this room as a combo office/TV room.  I was sad to see it go, but we still have the whole TV/sound system set up, so not a complete loss.  The whole combining of rooms took 2 full weekends of non-stop work.  Many thanks to Grammie and Poppi for watching Carter while we worked!!!  Definitely could not have done it without their help.

So now the old office is empty…soon to be filled with the melodious screaming of 2 baby boys.  Our generous friends Alison and Justin gave us the cribs they used for their twins (who have now matured to big girl and boy beds).  We set up the cribs in the newly emptied room and they look great!  I am determined to get the twins’ nursery and everything done before I hit 28 weeks (June 13th).  28 weeks is when I could potentially have to go out on bed rest.  I want to have everything in place by then so that I can coast through the remaining weeks of the pregnancy.  Towards the end, anything is possible, so I am channeling Chris’ Eagle Scout mentality so that we will “be prepared.”  My goal is to coast though the rest of the pregnancy with a little to do as possible so that no matter when they come, they will have a warm and welcoming home.

2 thoughts on “Nesting Mode

  1. What a delightful diary! I feel like I have shared all this with you. I partularly like
    your descrptions. So buying a car was not instant as it should not be. My Century
    is now 9 years old so I think I shall go looking-in person. My trip in Jan. totaled 1300
    miles and I plan to attend Alissa’s graduation 6-19. And must plan a fall trip to see
    those beautiful twins. Sounds like you have it altogether so well. So what items will
    you need? Or would you prefer a gift certificate to put toward a big item? Love Grandma

  2. Avid reader, first time poster. Your ability to adapt to any situation is just awesome. I particularly love the fact that you can take a step back and realize that your current home will do great. Oh, and when you start seeing flashlights stashed in the nursery that should be an indicator that eagle-scout is almost done getting prepared. 🙂
    keep the blogs coming.

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