Showering the twins with love

Today was the twins baby shower!  Becky and Erin planned the party and it couldn’t have been more perfect.  The did an awesome job!  It was a small shower with just close friends and family.  We had brunch over at Erin’s house.  The decorations were so cute.  They hung up little onesies that said Thing 1 and Thing 2…so cute.  They also made tissue paper flowers/decorative balls.  I was talking with Kate and she was asking if they made them, I said no, they probably just got them at a party store…but I was very wrong.  They made them!!

Becky took her first shot at making cake balls on a stick.  She explained the process and it seems very tedious.  I can’t believe how much time she spent on them!!  The prepwork for the party deserves a major shout out, so THANK YOU VERY MUCH Becky and Erin…you guys are the best!!

The twins definitely felt loved, they got lots and lots of gifts.  Katie painted them the most awesome Star Wars pictures…LOVE IT!

Chris was the only dude there (aside from the boys in the belly) but he was just documenting the shower with his fabulous photography skillz.  I am so glad he was there to capture the epicness.

I still feel like we have a lot left to do to get ready for their arrival, but hopefully when I stop working, I’ll be able to get everything done.